Maintain Building Performance in Cold Weather– Freezing Conditions

As the weather fluctuates from warm to cold temperatures it is important to be sure your HVAC systems are ready for the change in conditions. When the temperature drops significantly, your HVAC systems are at risk of freezing. A frozen heating system cannot properly warm your building and can lead to permanent system failure.

The Bachman’s team is here to help ensure your employees, students, or building occupants can remain comfortably warm, despite freezing temperatures outside. Here are a few simple tips to maintain your buildings performance before and during freezing weather conditions.

Proactive Preventative Maintenance

Proactive preventive maintenance on HVAC systems will identify small issues before they become large issues. Having this maintenance performed in advance, can protect your building’s HVAC systems from freezing when the colder weather arrives.

Don’t Let Snow and Ice Build Up

Allowing snow or ice to build up on your HVAC unit can be dangerous and cause an emergency shutdown. If this occurs, your building will no longer receive heat causing the risk of the pipes in your building to also start freezing.

Backup Generator

With the risk of a snow storms or unexpected interruptions in utility power, it is important to have a backup generator to help maintain critical systems such as heat and electricity.

Defrost Cycle

A frozen unit is sometimes inevitable when the weather drops low and rapidly. Since your HVAC system is prepared for this, it will run the defrost cycle daily blowing cool air inside and releasing hot air outside. It is important to note you should NEVER pour hot water on your HVAC systems. This can lead to more harm than good causing the system to break.

Proactively preparing your HVAC systems for the cold weather is so important. Ensuring a properly running HVAC system and having a proper plan in place prior to dropping temperatures will help maintain your buildings performance now and to warm and cold seasons to come. The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.


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